flex7’s Hotel Guest Room Energy Management System was installed in all 426 bedrooms of Sheraton Heathrow Hotel.
When the Sheraton Heathrow Hotel was refurbished the flex7 Hotel Guest Room Energy Management System was installed in all of its 426 bedrooms. The System guarantees substantial energy-saving, as it works on an occupancy basis and ensures that power is only turned on when guests are in the room.
The most common method of controlling the electrical supply to lights, socket outlets and A/C in a hotel room is via a keycard or fob activation switch. The occupant of the room activates the power by inserting their keycard or fob into a holder, and power remains on until the card is removed. The problem with this system is that a spare card can be left inserted in the switch while the room is empty. This wastes valuable energy and undoubtedly costs the hotel huge amounts of money over the course of a year.
Specifically designed for hotel bedrooms, flex7 Hotel Guest Room Energy Management System is a simple, intelligent control system that replaces inefficient card systems, and prevents needless energy wastage. The system uses occupancy sensing to automatically turn power on when someone enters their hotel room, and off when the occupant leaves.
LEDs on all sensor heads in the kit are deactivated as standard to ensure that guests are not disturbed by the flashing light.
The kit is designed to operate in a bedroom with adjoining bathroom, but can easily be expanded to operate in a multi-room suite of almost any size.
The Sheraton Heathrow was a refurbished hotel, but the system is equally suited to retrofit and new-build applications.
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