Expansion Lighting Distribution Box
Use to expand the capacity of your preceding Distribution Box eg. plugging a 4-way Expansion Box into an 8-way Starter Box provides a total of 12 outlets. All flex7 Lighting Distribution Boxes support standard (on/off) or dimmable lighting control in emergency or non-emergency versions. Luminaires and Control Module can be plugged into any outlet in either Distribution Box. All connected luminaires will operate together, switching on/off or dimming to the same level in unison.
Key Features
- Outlets rated 16A 230V. Total system rating 16A.
- 7-pole – ideal for on/off or dimming control
- Plug-in directly box to box or via suitable Expansion Lead.
Using an Expansion box
If you want to add extra luminaires at any stage you just need to plug an Expansion Box into your Starter Box to provide extra outlets.
You can plug them in direct unit-to-unit, or via a lead

Ordering information
Product description | Part number |
2-way Expansion Distribution Box | FXU02 |
4-way Expansion Distribution Box | FXU04 |
6-way Expansion Distribution Box | FXU06 |
8-way Expansion Distribution Box | FXU08 |
10-way Expansion Distribution Box | FXU10 |
12-way Expansion Distribution Box | FXU12 |