Networkable Control Modules for Non-Dimming Applications
Series 2000 Control Packs can be linked together using simple plug-in network leads. This Provides a simple way of sharing inputs and outputs between controls. Each Control Pack is also available with an additional relay to facilitate emergency test. Simply connect one of the cores of the switch drop to a suitable key switch.
Occupancy Control Module
- When used with a Sensor Head, PIR or Microwave, luminaires automatically switch on when movement is detected, and off when the room/area is vacated.
- Additionally, when used with a Sensor Head a target light level can be set, meaning luminaires switch off automatically when there is adequate ambient light. Typically this means luminaires are off during brighter periods of the day.
- Requires a Sensor Head and Sensor Lead to operate.
Ordering info
Description | Part no. |
Networkable occupancy control module | FNC2000 |
Absence Control Module
- Use with 2-way centre return retractive switch
- When used with a Sensor Head, PIR or Microwave, luminaires need to be switched on .manually on entry. They will automatically switch off when the room/area is vacated.
- Additionally, when used with a Sensor Head a target light level can be set, meaning luminaires switch off automatically when there is adequate ambient light. Typically this means luminaires are off during brighter periods of the day.
- Requires a Sensor Head, Sensor Lead and Switch Drop Lead to operate
Ordering info
Description | Part no. |
Networkable absence control module for 2-way centre off retractive switch | FNC2000/AB |
Occupancy + Integral Emergency Test Control Module
- When used with a Sensor Head, PIR or Microwave, luminaires automatically switch on when movement is detected, and off when the room/area is vacated.
- Additionally, when used with a Sensor Head a target light level can be set, meaning luminaires switch off automatically when there is adequate ambient light. Typically this means luminaires are off during brighter periods of the day.
- Complete with additional relay to facilitate routine emergency luminaire test.
- Requires a Sensor Head and Sensor Lead to operate.
- Emergency test switch must be latching not retractive.
Ordering info
Description | Part no. |
Networkable occupancy + integral emergency test control module | FNC2000/E |
Absence + Integral Emergency Test Control Module
- Use with 2-way centre return retractive switch (Relay 1) and 1-way latching key switch (Emergency Test Relay).
- When used with a Sensor Head, PIR or Microwave, luminaires need to be switched on manually on entry. They will automatically switch off when the room/area is vacated.
- Additionally, when used with a Sensor Head incorporating a light level sensor a target light level can be set, meaning suitable luminaires switch off automatically when there is adequate ambient light. Typically this means luminaires are off during brighter periods of the day.
- Complete with additional relay to facilitate routine emergency luminaire test.
- Requires a Sensor Head, Sensor Lead and Switch Drop Lead to operate.
- Emergency test switch must be latching not retractive.
Ordering info
Description | Part no. |
Networkable absence + integral emergency test control module for 2-way centre off retractive switch | FNC2000/AB/E |
Occupancy + Second Switch Relay Control Module
Series 2000 Control Modules – use for standard (on/off) control with extra switch circuit. Note: Must be used in conjunction with F2U Distribution Box
Use for standard (on/off) control with extra switch circuit. Note: Must be used in conjunction with F2U Distribution Box
- When used with a Sensor Head, PIR or Microwave, luminaires automatically switch on when movement is detected, and off when the room/area is vacated.
- Additionally, when used with a Sensor Head a target light level can be set, meaning luminaires controlled by Relay 1 switch off automatically when there is adequate ambient light, but those controlled by Relay 2 are unaffected. Typically this means luminaires adjacent to windows (Relay 1) are off during brighter periods of the day, whilst those further away (Relay 2) remain on.
- Requires a Sensor Head and Sensor Lead to operate.
Ordering info
Description | Part no. |
Networkable occupancy + 2nd switch relay control module | FNC2000/2 |
Absence + Second Switch Relay Control Module
Use for standard (on/off) control with extra switch circuit. Note: Must be used in conjunction with F2U Distribution Box
- Use with 2-way centre return retractive switch (Relay 1) and 1-way retractive switch (Relay 2).
- When used with a Sensor Head, PIR or Microwave, luminaires need to be switched on manually on entry. They will automatically switch off when the room/area is vacated.
- Additionally, when used with a Sensor Head a target light level can be set, meaning luminaires controlled by Relay 1 switch off automatically when there is adequate ambient light, but those controlled by Relay 2 are unaffected. Typically this means luminaires adjacent to windows (Relay 1) are off during brighter periods of the day, whilst those further away (Relay 2) remain on.
- Requires a Sensor Head, Sensor Lead and Switch Drop Lead to operate
Ordering info
Description | Part no. |
Networkable absence + 2nd switch relay control module for 2-way centre off retractive switch and 1-way retractive switch | FNC2000/AB/2 |
Absence + Second Switch Relay Control Module
Use for standard (on/off) control with extra switch circuit. Note: Must be used in conjunction with F2U Distribution Box
- Use with 2-way centre return retractive switch (Relay 1) and 1-way retractive switch (Relay 2).
- When used with a Sensor Head, PIR or Microwave, luminaires need to be switched on manually on entry. They will automatically switch off when the room/area is vacated.
- Additionally, when used with a Sensor Head a target light level can be set, meaning luminaires controlled by Relay 1 switch off automatically when there is adequate ambient light, but those controlled by Relay 2 are unaffected. Typically this means luminaires adjacent to windows (Relay 1) are off during brighter periods of the day, whilst those further away (Relay 2) remain on.
- Requires a Sensor Head, Sensor Lead and Switch Drop Lead to operate
Ordering info
Description | Part no. |
Networkable absence + 2nd switch relay control module for 2 x 1-way retractive switches | FNC2000/AB/2/L |