The school required a complete electrical rewire after an electrical inspection highlighted issues with the building. The substantial job was extra challenging because the school was committed to remaining open during the works.
flex7 products were an obvious choice for the project. The System is prefabricated, and products simply need to be plugged together on site. This meant that the job could be completed in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional wiring methods.
flex7 ZoneLites were used in classrooms. Designed specifically for use in teaching environments, the ZoneLite Type-T offers amongst other things, independent switching of whiteboard lights, daylight linking, graduated daylight dimming, emergency test, and scene setting options. ZoneLites are lighting connection and control solution in one, that offer up to 14 distinct lighting scenarios to choose from.
Occupancy and absence sensors were installed in most areas of the school. Sensors were networked to hold lights on in corridors whenever rooms adjacent to them are in use.
Double Extender Leads were used in corridor and circulation areas. These luminaire leads provide a means of disconnection close to the luminaire. There are fitted with a 2nd socket at a right angle to the inline socket. Each luminaires can be connected using the right angled socket, while the inline socket continues the circuit to the next fitting.
Learn more about choosing the right controls for educational environments
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