flex7 Lighting Control Applications

Detailed below are a number of lighting control applications commonly found in commercial buildings, ranging from simple on/off switching, manual dimming, setting and recalling scenes, occupancy / absence control all the way through to daylight linking.

The scenarios may be diverse but regardless of which one suits your requirements, the only on-site terminations are the 4 conductors of your fixed wiring (Perm. Live / Em. Live / Neutral / CPC) at the Distribution Box terminals, allowing you to standardise your installation method time after time, whatever the final control type or its complexity

For each application we’ve included an image of a typical room, a device, operation and installation overview, and list of the flex7 products used. In many cases it’s possible to combine features from one application with features from others. There are more than 700 standard products that make up our flex7 System. This is merely a snapshot of what’s possible using a limited basket of just 14 of them, so if the application you’re looking for doesn’t appear in this brochure please contact us on 020 8580 1066. Our Technical team will be able to advise as to the most appropriate products to use in order to achieve the result you’re looking for

Simple Wiring

Applications all use the same flex7 Distribution Box and Control Pack as their starting point. The fixed wiring terminations at the Distribution Box terminals are identical in every case.

The varying control scenarios are achieved simply by plugging different flex7 Peripheral Control Devices into the Control Pack and the choice of Luminaire Lead, either DALI or non-DALI.

Diagram of a lighting distribution box and lighting control pack installed above the ceiling of a room with 6 luminaires in it.

The only products used in the following applications are:

7-Pole, 8 outlet Lighting Distribution Box.
7-Pole, 8 outlet Lighting Distribution Box.
7-Pole, 8 outlet Lighting Distribution Box.
Control Pack
White 1-gang Switch. 2-way centre-off retractive.
White Scene Set Plate.
Sensor Link Lead
Switch Drop Lead
Y Adaptor. for connecting multiple Sensot Heads or Switches to a single Control Pack.
3-core Luminaire Lead for use with standard on/off fittings.
4-core Luminaire Lead for use with maintained emergency fittings.
DALI Luminaire Lead for use with luminaire controlled by DALI protocol.
DALI Luminaire Lead for use with maintained emergency luminaire controlled by DALI protocol.
Setup Remote Control

Lighting Scenarios

Manual On/Off Switching

Manual On/Off Switching 2 x Switches

Manual On/Off Switching With Dimming

Setting/Recalling Scenes

Setting/Recalling Scenes With Absence Control

Presence Control

Presence Control 2 x Sensor Heads

Presence Control With Daylight Linking to Window Luminaires

Presence Control With Daylight Linking To All Luminaires

Absence Control

Absence Control With Daylight Linking to Window Luminaires

Absence Control With Daylight Linking to All Luminaires – 2 x Sensor Heads & 2 x Switches

Lighting Control Options

We have a huge range of lighting controls to choose from. Whether you require something as simple as on/off control, or a fully networked system with corridor hold, emergency test and timer switches we’ve got you covered. For an overview of our lighting controls and what we offer click below:

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