Flex7 lighting connection and control products have been installed at the University of Aberdeen’s new state-of-the-art Science Teaching Hub. The £35m building has been designed around the provision of specialist teaching, training and learning across a number of disciplines.
flex7 ZoneLite lighting control modules and Scene Setting Plates were chosen for the project because it was decided that they were the best value option in terms of price and quality. They were installed in laboratories throughout the building. Scene Setting Plates allow users to set and recall up to 4 lighting scenes. A scene can be modified further whilst in use by dimming channels up or down individually.
Laboratories in the new teaching block will be equipped with digital screens on each workbench so the facility to dim luminaires down and minimise glare was important. CIBSE Lighting Guide 7 was used as a basis when specifying the lighting controls in these areas. It gives recommendations regarding limits to the luminaire output to avoid screen reflections.
Flex7 Lighting Control Modules were supplied with integrated emergency test. Once the control modules have been networked together using simple plug-in network leads, an emergency test can be carried out across multiple circuits or phases at once.
A mixture of absence, occupancy and daylight linking and dimming controls were used in the building. Corridor Hold Units were also networked with lighting control modules to hold lights on in corridors while rooms linked to them are in use.
Plugs, Sockets and Lighting Distribution Boxes from the flex7 range provided a quick and easy means of lighting connection in all areas.
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